About the Program
St. Lawrence Catholic School participates in Indiana’s Choice Scholarship Program. The Indiana Choice Scholarship program was established in 2011 to provide every Indiana student access to the school that best meets their learning needs. The Choice Scholarship program provides qualified students scholarships to offset tuition costs at a non-public school of their choice.
For many families, this means they can attend our school for little to no cost. Many families around the state use these scholarships to attend the school of their choice.
In spring of 2023, the state legislature passed a new budget that included a huge expansion of the Choice Scholarship program. The Choice Scholarship is a scholarship that is provided by the Indiana Department of Education to offset tuition costs at participating schools.
In accordance with IC 20-51 and IAC 512 (4), to be eligible to receive a Choice Scholarship award, a student must satisfy each of the following requirements:
Submit your most recent 1040 taxes (first 2 pages) to us at tuition@sls-apps.org. Once
we have all of the information for the Choice Application, we will know for sure if you qualify.
When the 2023 Federal Tax Return is unavailable, the parent/guardian must provide an explanation on the IDOE "Household Summary Form".
The following changes in circumstances are currently recognized by the IDOE as events that would render the prior tax return no longer accurate:
Supplemental documentation to verify these circumstances, and others not listed, will be required prior to submission of of your student's Choice Application to the state.
If you contacted legislators, you have helped thousands and thousands of families. Thank you!
You have helped to bring people to Christ by coming to our schools. God bless you for it.
If You Think You Qualify
If you think you qualify under the criteria listed above and meet the income guidelines, please contact our school office. We will help you determine potential eligibility and complete the necessary paperwork.
To Apply
To apply for a Choice Scholarship from St. Lawrence Catholic School, a family must:
1. Obtain, complete and return the Registration Forms to the school.
2. Submit a copy of the first 2 pages of your most recent tax return.
If you have questions regarding completion of these forms, please contact our office at 812-537-3690.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here for 2024-2025 FAQ Document
Let Us Help!
This process may feel overwhelming or confusing. Let our expert staff walk you through the process and enrollment. Contact us today to help put your tax dollars to work for your family!