St. Lawrence School students, parents, teachers, and staff worked hard to achieve an A grade for the 2016-2017 school year.
The Indiana Department of Education released its school accountability grades in October. St. Lawrence was among 29 percent of Indiana’s schools to be rewarded with an A.
"I am so proud of the staff, students, and parents of St. Lawrence. This A grade was the result of much hard work and effort. It is a testament to the grit and determination of our school community!" says Principal Michael Odar.
According to the IDOE, the school grades are determined by ISTEP+ performance and student growth. Similar to a student’s report card, schools receive a letter grade based on the number of points received. For example, 90 to 100 is an A.
In the 2016-2017 school year, St. Lawrence had 66.2 percent of students pass both the English/language arts and mathematics portions of the ISTEP exam. The figure was the best of any school or corporation in Dearborn County. An amazing 87.3 percent of St. Lawrence students passed the English/mathematics section, again the best in the county.
"While we are proud to celebrate the success of the past year, we are still striving to grow both in our faith and our academics to reach even higher, Odar says.
Families interested in being a part of the great academic and spiritual culture at St. Lawrence School should consider enrolling for the 2017-2018 academic year. Contact Principal Mike Odar at
812-537-3690 or An application may also be completed at