St. Lawrence School Advisory Team (SAT) Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Members Present: Mylissa Stearns, Shannon Schmid, Elizabeth Vollmer, Mike Perleberg, Lisa Freking, Gary Hammerle, Julie Terrill, Mary Lewis
Ex-Officio Members Present: Mr. Michael Odar
1) Mylissa Stearns opened the meeting with a prayer.
2) Parish Update: (Fr. Peter per Mr. Odar) Father Peter has met with the architect and the diocese. They are working on a master plan for a capital campaign--looking at lots of ideas.
3) School Updates (Mr. Michael Odar) Mr. Odar announced that there would be a minor staff change for next year. Mr Wagner will be going teaching technology as well as PE classes due to class loads/scheduling. Amy Thorton will be the new cafeteria manager and Leah Cox will be going back to her other full time position. A 2-3 day person will be hired to help Mrs. Thorton. Jill Hautman has been offered a teacher’s aide for 2nd and 3rd grade. Mrs. VanWassenhove will stay as a Kindergarten assistant. Mr. Odar reported that 190 out of 191 students will be retained. We are at 205 students currently, hoping that this will continue to rise.
Pillar Updates:
Finance (Julie Terrill) Julie shared a proposed budget for the 2016/2017 school year. Information will be sent home to parents Friday, May 14th.
Volunteerism (Shannon Schmid) Mrs. Schmid met with her volunteerism group yesterday. Currently they have $7,000. The group is looking at new creative ways to fundraise. PTO will give each teacher $100. The Walk-a-thon is coming up and we are hopeful that it is successful. Golftoberfest will be in the fall. The committee asked if Mr. Odar can send announcements/flyer reminders through Jupiter. Mr. Odar is happy to do this for PTO. Shannon is also looking into a computerized program to calculate lunch count. Finally, Shannon is also working with Mrs. Rolfsen about spirit wear for next year.
Retention: (Ryan Padgett) Nothing new to report.
Campus Ministry (Elizabeth Vollmer) Mrs. Vollmer is talking to the staff about a service learning project for each grade level (each month) for next school.
Marketing (Mike Perleburg) Mr. Perleburg and Mr. Odar met with Fr. Peter today about a new website for the school and parish. Fr. Peter was in agreement. Mr. Perleburg will begin working on this and linking the school and parish. He is looking at Catholic Schools
Technology (Mary Lewis) Nothing new to report.
Facilities: (Gary Hammerle) Mr. Hammerle is prepared to install playground equipment and is also waiting on approval from Father Peter for installing tile in the boys bathroom.
Curriculum: (Mari Thomas and Lisa Freking) Lisa shared about her experience in Mrs. Weismiller’s 2nd Grade. It was a very productive and fun day! She offered to repeat the experience on May 17th if there were any teachers that would be interested.
The meeting closed with a prayer by Gary Hammerle. The next meeting will be at 8:00 on June 7th.